Teresa and Alice - Goddess 13
It happened that Plaza de la Raza was holding a songwriter's competition around this same time and we entered our new song in the contest, performing it live for the judges and we won! I used my portion of the prize money to purchase my very first electric guitar, a Fender Strat, which I played for many years and just handed down to my stepdaughter for her most recent birthday.
Like most of my songs, this one was not professionally recorded in a studio. It was taped - pretty much live - on a cassette recorder in Gabriel's living room. It's overmodulated in parts and low-fi but still listenable. I hope you enjoy it!
Soledad - Luna Nova
Good morning and what a beautiful song to wake up to!! amazing
That's a great song. Are the three of you still playing together?
What a great blast from the past.
I remember performing that collection of songs at LACE? downtown, and I believe it was the last live performance presented in that space before it officially vacated that site. We had drunk a fifth of Southern Comfort and had a blast. Those were exciting days when we worked on project after project, ie LasTres/Goddess13 and Cholita.
Best of luck to you Alice. I remember you graded one of my songs and gave me an "A" on the lyrics and a happyface.
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