Sunday, November 07, 2010

The Beautiful and The Damned - Ann Summa

My dear old friend Ann Summa has recently released a book of her photographs and recollections of the LA punk scene between the formative years of 1978 to 1984. It's called The Beautiful and The Damned. It also includes photographs of many of the early punk groups that toured Los Angeles from other cities, including such under-acknowledged but hugely influential groups as The Slits (one of my personal favorites.)

Ann Summa and Kristine McKenna will be discussing the book and signing copies at Skylight Books on 11/14. I've been a fan of Ann's work for many years and have had the good fortune to be her subject on a number of occasions. To help get the word out about the book, Ann - in conjunction with KCET - will be giving away a free print of the Bags at the Hong Kong Cafe.

I'm not sure what's happening in this photo. Most likely I'm gasping for breath and Patricia is giving me a pep talk. I have included a link to the contest page below in case any of you want to enter.

KCET Contest Page

If you're in L.A. on November 14th, I hope you'll stop by and say hello to Ann and Kristine. Tell 'em Alice sent you : )

1 comment:

deadrose said...

Hi Alice,

Great to find you out here like this. Now I'm going to spend the evening reliving a lot of happy memories

I was probably one of the earlier fans outside of LA, I stumbled across 'Survive' in a tiny record store somewhere in Oregon in 78. Same day I bought my first Siouxsie 45, actually.

Saw the Bags twice, once at the Masque and once at the Showbox in Seattle - I yelled some smartass comment about you working at Living Well Lady between songs at the Seattle show.

Anyway, just another old punk woman saying hello - Heidi, still in Seattle