One of the unexpected pluses of relocating to the westside of L.A. has to be my proximity to a gem of a fifties diner called Pann's. My discovery of this restaurant coincided with my family's marathon viewing of the first season of "Dead Like Me" on DVD. One of the recurring settings on this series is a fictional restaurant called "Der Waffle Haus," which kindled our desire to search for a similar all-hours eating establishment in L.A.
Sadly, nothing quite as cool as Der Waffle Haus could be found, but Pann's is a close second.
I bet Rube from DLM would love Panns!
Pann's rocks -- and it kind of is a real-life facsimilie of Der Waffle House (love love love Dead Like Me)...
If you need an amazing accountant, Davya Lapidus lives/works right across the street from Pann's. She specializes in people like us (artist/teachers) and has been doing my taxes with brilliance for about six years now. Contact me for her phone number...
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